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Monday, 30 May 2011

The Fall of Yemen Dictator - The Ugly Side of Western Foreign Policy (incl VIDEO OF TAIZ, YEMEN)

After Second World War we saw the first modern revolution throughout the Middle East. Western powers slowing handed back land to the Arab people and gave the right of self determination to each country. 

Yemeni Protester  © flickr/Al Jazeera English
Each country in the subsequent years has fared differently and have taken differing approaches to the responsibly of statehood. The majority of these countries 'chose' to...


implement autocratic regimes with a minimum of democratic values. This modern history is in the most part very familiar however it’s always good to evaluate were you are going from analysing the past. The current reality in the Arab world is that people are voicing their aims of democratic freedoms and when they feel they haven't been listened too then they are no longer taking it laying down and are rebelling.

We are always told that perpetually we are destined to repeat the mistake of the past and this is the common thread through history and I agree, if we choose believe that the 'Arab Spring' is a one-of-a-kind event in the Middle East then Yes mistakes are going to happen, again. The 'Arab Spring' is not a unique period in history it’s the one going struggle throughout history of suppressed people fighting back whether it be in Tehran '79 or a decade late in Tiananmen Square. 

It is important that the world understands what is really happening in the context of political history as this allows to react and rebuff the misinformation from the various interests.

Further news of a despotic and desperate leader in Yemen that has cornered himself into a position that may well end in civil war. It is the West and the Middle East’s obligation to speak up after years of support to President Saleh and force him from power. 150 people in hospital, 7 dead, and the tribal leaders protest camp set a blaze last night. It’s no wonder that he has lost the support of his tribe and the Yemeni people. What will have a greater affect in the future is how many deaths it will take for the world to take action. This is the time we find out how much Yemeni freedom is really worth… 

30/05/2011 10:08 - 51 protesters killed at the central squarecamp in Taiz, Al Qaeda forces take over south Yemen town Zinjibar.
10:18 - Yemen Airforce bombing Al Qaeda and Ismlamist forces in Zinjibar (South Yemen city)
10:23 - Continuous Heavy machine gunfire in Taiz (260km from Sana) Helicopters reported in the city as well 
10:38 - Yemen forces take back city of Taiz from Islamist forces. Checkpoints have been set-up throughout city and groups are banned 

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